The most important and basic part of our life is food; there is a direct connection between our health and what kind of food we eat. People tend to have confusion between nutrition and food, thinking it to be the same thing although it’s not; nutrition does come due to the intake of food. Eating good and balanced food provides nutrition to our body, thus helping in the building and growth of our body and keeping us fit.
However, having a bad kind of food habit and others such as alcoholism and smoking does not provide nutrition, instead, it leads to denutrition in which it destroys the already nutritious effect that the body gets from the food we eat. To get a good knowledge and advice on how to get maximum nutrition and what kind of eating habits we should develop, contact or visit
Medical Center South Plainfield and talk to a food nutrition expert.
The health of our body isn’t only limited to the nutrition, it depends on some other factors too, such as exercise and our emotional being. If a person has a very good and healthy eating habit and exercises a lot, but is not emotionally stable i.e. is always worried and stressful about life or whatever is not going to feel healthy at all. So, all these nutrition, exercise and emotional stability go hand in hand in keeping a person healthy.
Coming back to the connection between nutrition and health, we will now look at some important food nutrition that helps us in maintaining a healthy body. Some of the few are mentioned below:
· Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important immune system booster and helps in the strengthening the bones and in increasing the HDL cholesterol levels. Some food or food items rich in Vitamin C are: Orange, Strawberry, Lemon, Peppers, Grapefruit, and avocados are high in Vitamin C.
· Potassium
Potassium-rich foods can decrease the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases. Bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes and some varieties of tomatoes are rich in potassium. For the proper functioning of nerve also potassium is important.
· Fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acid is the one of the most important nutrition that most of the American people lack in their diet; it reduces the risk of depression, heart diseases, and cancer. Salmon, soybean, spinach, and walnuts are some of the highly rich omega-3 food products.
· Anti-oxidants
Anti-oxidants are the molecules that fight damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that can harm the cellular structures. The mechanism of anti-oxidants is to donate an electron to a free radical so that it doesn’t cause harm to the cell structure.
It is present in a range of food items such as apples, blueberries, carrots etc. Flavonoids are the anti-oxidants which reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
Intake of all these nutrient-rich foods should be in balance, our diet should be a balanced one and there should be enough nutrients in it that are important for our body. Along with eating habits, we should also focus on exercising and keeping our mental and emotional health in good condition, which is often ignored by us.